Minors on Campus Information Session

February 14, 2025

Information Session

In this recording, the OXP team provides orientation and answers questions about the transition to Ideal-Logic for Minors on Campus compliance. 

Chat Questions

Thank you for your active participation in the information session. Below, you'll find the questions asked in the chat during the presentation, along with their corresponding answers.

Forms and Policies:

  • Q: Just to clarify, if we are hosting an event off the Texas State campus, are we required to have the same forms as required for an on-campus event?
    A: Yes, since the camp is offered by Texas State University, you must follow the Protection of Minors policy UPPS No. 01.04.41. This policy applies to programs offered by TXST on campus, off campus, and virtually.
  • Q: What about McKinney Vento students- homeless youth without a parent/guardian to sign?
    A: Please email academiccamps@txstate.edu with more details on this. We will need to inquire with OGC.
  • Q: For clarification, this has to be filled out for all non-athletic camps that occur here. This does not apply to any athletic camps correct?
    A: Kelsey Solis will complete the intake form for all athletic programs. For programs requiring consent forms, including athletic camps, Ideal-Logic will be used to manage minor consent forms, as well as track staff child protection training and background checks.
  • Q: What if we do not directly work with minors? The camps are just utilizing our spaces? Does this still apply?
    A: Please email your specifics to academiccamps@txstate.edu so we can talk through the details of your program. If the camp takes place at TXST then the minors must have TXST consent forms, we can chat through the staffing portion.


  • Q: Has this software been blessed by IT Security?
    A: Yes, Ideal-Logic is fully vetted and approved.
  • Q: Is this also in other languages? Specifically Spanish?
    A: Yes, Ideal-Logic is available in Spanish. The user will select Spanish when logging in/creating their account.
  • Q: Does the software have a way for each camp to have their own unique questions that are only specific for their camp? Do they have unlimited number of options for questions?
    A: Yes to both! The intake form asks you to provide your camp's unique questions so that we can add them in the system. Ideal-Logic is customizable to meet your program’s needs.
  • Q: Hello! OGC has reviewed these forms correct? Moving forward, we can presume that all forms on Ideal Logic are approved by OGC yes?
    A: Correct. OXP is working directly with OGC. All forms/updates will be reviewed by general counsel prior to posting.

Background Checks and Training:

  • Q: How does this background check requirement through Ideal-Logic impact the initial background check that is automatically conducted upon an employee's hire through HR, that was valid for one year? Do we have to initiate a second, separate background check through this new system for new hires and assume that cost?
    A: If a staff member already has a valid background check at the time of the camp, for example they are hired in April, received a background check, and the camp is in July, reach out to academiccamps@txstate.edu. We will have a form where the staff member can submit proof of a valid background check, and our staff can review and override the requirement in Ideal-Logic. This is the same for Child Protection Trainings. We recognize some folks may have completed their CPT prior to Ideal-Logic being live.
    As a reminder, background checks and Child Protection Trainings for staff working with minors are valid for 365 days.
  • Q: At what point does the background check request get initiated? When you enter staff? I'm confused on when that and the CPT is initiated.
    A: Once OXP approves the session in Ideal-Logic, the entered staff will be prompted to complete their background check. Please note that as of right now, the Accurate Background integration is not live, so POs will need to submit batch requests like in previous years. See Background Checks on Faculty and Staff Resources page.

Questions about Fees:

  • Q: Can you share the total cost of the software and is it paid annually? I think that would help clarify the per camper charge.
    A: Coming soon.
  • Q: How does this per camper fee impact programs that are operating programs, or hosting camps in their facilities, that do not utilize the individual registration process by parents? IE Field trips, external summer camp hosting, etc.
    A: Please follow up with academiccamps@txstate.edu so we can gather more information about the programs you're referring to and offer the appropriate guidance.
  • Q: Do we pay the $15 per camper now? Even if we are not using the registration software this summer? This is not ample time to make the necessary changes to our programs with this additional cost.
    A: Starting March 1, all programs will utilize Ideal-Logic for managing minor consent forms, as well as staff child protection training (CPT) and background checks. The $15 safety & risk management fee covers the implementation costs of Ideal-Logic. Please note, any program that requires minor consent forms will be charged the $15 fee per camper, even if the camp chooses not to use the software for registration this year.
  • Q: Is it $15 regardless the length of the camp? If a kid comes to a half day session it would be the same as a kid coming for a 5-day overnight?
    A: All programs requiring minor consent forms must use Ideal-Logic to complete them and will be charged the $15 safety & risk management fee. This typically applies to ongoing programs and camps. However, if your single-day program involves risk to minors and requires consent forms through Ideal-Logic, the fee will also apply.
  • Q: I already have 3 camps posted in the market place, and have registered participants currently. I also would have to adjust our cost to include the $15 fee. Can we finish our current camp slate on that software and switch after the completion of these camps?
    A: Yes, since these three camps are already open for registration as of February 14, 2025, we can waive the $15 safety & risk management fee. So we can confirm and note this internally, please email academiccamps@txstate.edu.
  • Q: Do large groups who come for campus tours need to pay the $15 a day or are we separate from these as we are not a camp?
    A: Single day visits that do not require minor consent forms are not charged the safety & risk management fee as they are not required to use Ideal-Logic.

External Organizations:

  • Q: In the past, we’ve hosted camps that were managed by outside organizations with their own registration because my department doesn’t have an account to take in registration, etc. funds. Can the registration funds still be paid to the outside organizations?
    A: Please follow up with academiccamps@txstate.edu so we can gather more information about the programs you're referring to and offer the appropriate guidance.